Friday, April 10, 2009

Severe Weather Special:

Severe weather with possible tornadoes have started developing to the west of Nashville.  This system will be moving into the East Tennessee area as we go into the afternoon and evening.  

There is a tornado watch for the following counties in East Tennessee: Anderson, Bledsoe, Bradley, Campbell, Hamilton, Knox, Loudon Marrion, McMinn, Meigs, Morgan Rhea, Roane, Scott, and Sequatchie.  This watch has to title of PDS (Particularly Dangerous Situation) meaning there is a high probability of VERY LARGE HAIL, HIGH WINDS, and TORNADOES.  

Please keep a eye on the weather by listening to radio or TV.  If you have a Weather Radio I suggest making sure it has batteries and that you set it to alert.  Once again please watch the weather today and stay informed.

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